Nano- and mesosized particles comprising an inorganic core, process and applications thereof.

Jacobv Zabicky (Inventor), Charles Linder (Inventor), Sarina Grinberg (Inventor), Eli Heldman (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


Method for the preparation of nano- and mesosized particles consisting of a lipid layer comprising at least one amphiphile and a core of an inorganic compound and/or a metal, comprising: (i) dissolving in a common solvent at least one self-aggregating amphiphile with at least one inorganic, organometallic or metallorganic precursor of said inorganic compound or metal; and (ii) either injecting the resulting solution into an aqueous solution or drying the resulting solution and re-hydrating it, so as to form particles in which the precursor is encapsulated by the amphiphile(s) and is converted therein to said inorganic compound and/or metallic solid form.
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberUS8377469B2
StatePublished - 2013


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