New error-resilient scheme based on FMO and dynamic redundant slices allocation for wireless video transmission

Barak Katz, Shlomo Greenberg, Nathalie Yarkoni, Nathan Blaunstien, Ran Giladi

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    34 Scopus citations


    Video quality suffers significant degradation when transmitted over error-prone channel, due to packet loss, errors caused by fading in wireless channel and due to the video codec prediction mechanisms. The H.264/AVC standard suggests some new error-resilient features to enable reliable transmission of compressed video signal over lossy packet networks. Two of those new features are the Redundant Slices and the Flexible Macro-Block Ordering (FMO). In this paper we propose a new error-resilient scheme which merges the H.264/AVC FMO feature with a new technique for dynamic allocation of redundant slices depending on the wireless channel fading parameters. We suggest using a unique smart dynamic redundant slices allocation scheme which considers the dynamic wireless channel parameters rather than using the classical standard static allocation. The proposed redundant slice allocation algorithm is based on both Average Fade Duration (AFD), and Level Cross Rate (LCR) channel's characteristics. Moreover, we propose a new Explicit Spiral-Interleaved (ESI) flexible macroblocks ordering technique, which outperforms all other FMO types. The new ESI ordering results in effective error scattering which maximize the number of correctly received macroblocks located around corrupted macroblocks, leading to better error concealment. The proposed scheme greatly improves video transmission quality over lossy wireless transmission channels. Simulations results for wireless channel characterized by Rayleigh fading indicate that the proposed method improves the standard static allocation of redundant slices in terms of PSNR by about 2.5 dB. Performance evaluations show that our approach is especially suited for applications such as video conferencing and mobile TV, where typically a specific main important Region of Interest should be more carefully protected.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)308-319
    Number of pages12
    JournalIEEE Transactions on Broadcasting
    Issue number1
    StatePublished - 1 Mar 2007


    • Average fade duration
    • Error resilience
    • FMO
    • Fading
    • H.264
    • Level crossing rate
    • Redundant slices
    • Video coding
    • Wireless networks

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Media Technology
    • Electrical and Electronic Engineering


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