Obstetrical Details of Perinatal Mortality Cases and Distance of Maternal Residence to Industrial Park

E Kordysh, Yaakov Bentov, Arkady Bolotin, Isabella Karakis, Reli Hershkovitz, Batia Sarov

Research output: Contribution to journalMeeting Abstractpeer-review


Association between the increased rates of perinatal mortality (PM) in the Bedouin communities and residential proximity to an industrial park (IP) was found in our previous study during 1995 to 2000. No difference in maternal age for PM cases in compared groups was detected. The objective of the present research was to compare other obstetrical (maternal and newborns) features among PM cases in the Bedouin communities by distance to the IP.
Material and Methods:
Dataset containing details of 546 PM cases was collected from the records of the regional Medical Center. PM cases, registered in the mothers residing in distant and proximal localities to the IP, were compared by obstetrical characteristics. For statistical analysis, Pearson χ2 or Fisher's exact test and t test were applied.

The given statistical comparison showed that the proportion of maternal characteristics, such as “high risk pregnancy” (29.0 vs. 29.4), multiple gestation (7.6 vs. 8.0), and other pregnancy complications (91.6 vs. 93.3) along with delivery complications in the observed PM cases (64.1 vs. 64.5), number of previous pregnancies and labors, were similar. In addition, no statistical difference was observed between newborns gender (48.9 vs. 53.0 males), gestational age (32.8 vs. 32.2), birth weight (1830, SD = 992 vs. 1729, SD = 1002), and proportion of malformed cases (26.0 vs. 27.2).
The study has shown that despite the fact that PM cases were much frequent in the proximal (to the IP) localities than in the comparison group, no distinction between the observed groups was found in either maternal or newborns characteristics, known as risk factors of PM. Evaluating the role of these factors by the residential proximity to the IP requires additional epidemiologic research.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)S50-S51
Issue number5
StatePublished - 1 Sep 2007


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