Optimal Client Constrained Multiplexing: A Linear Programming Approach.

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


A new algorithm for efficient multiplexing of smoothed video streams through linear programming (LP) is proffered. We review the optimal multiplexing solution for transmission of multiple streams over a CBR network and give some results for real MPEG-1 video sequences. The results of the PCRTT procedure and the optimal multiplexing linear program are compared in terms of peak transmission bandwidth and P-loss performance measures. For several client buffer sizes, the rate obtained by PCRTT was reduced by up to 35% by the LP solution. The multiplexed LP is extended to include client constraints in the form of individual bandwidth and buffer limits. In addition the possibility of placing a preloading time limit on the server is included. For this version a small example is solved to illustrate the procedure. It is noted that the PCRTT method is not appropriate for cases different client rate limits.
Original languageEnglish GB
Number of pages7
StatePublished - 2002
EventInformation Systems and Databases (ISDB 2002) - Tokyo, Japan
Duration: 25 Sep 200227 Sep 2002


ConferenceInformation Systems and Databases (ISDB 2002)
Internet address


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