Peripheral Authentication for Parked Vehicles over Wireless Radio Communication

Shlomi Dolev, Nisha Panwar

Research output: Working paper/PreprintPreprint


Peripheral authentication is an important aspect in the vehicle networks to provide services to only authenticated peripherals and a security to internal vehicle modules such as anti-lock braking system, power-train control module, engine control unit, transmission control unit, and tire pressure monitoring. This paper presents a vehicle to a peripheral device and peripheral device to vehicle authentication scheme that verifies a binding between a vehicle and an authentic user peripheral device. In particular, a three-way handshake scheme is proposed for a vehicle to a keyfob authentication. A keyfob is a key with a secure hardware that communicates and authenticates the vehicle over the wireless channel. Usually, a secret pin number is entered through the wireless keyfob and the pin must be verified before receiving an access to the vehicle. Conventionally, a vehicle to keyfob authentication is realized through a challenge-response verification protocol. An authentic coupling between the vehicle identity and the keyfob avoids any illegal access to the vehicle.
However, these authentication messages can be relayed by an active adversary, thereby, can amplify the actual distance between an authentic vehicle and a keyfob. Eventually, an adversary can possibly gain access to the vehicle by relaying wireless signals and without any effort to generate or decode the secret credentials. Hence, the vehicle to keyfob authentication scheme must contain an additional attribute verification such as physical movement of a keyfob holder. Our solution is a two-party and three-way handshake scheme with proactive and reactive commitment verification. The proposed solution also uses a time interval verification such that both vehicle and keyfob would yield a similar locomotion pattern of a dynamic keyfob within a similar
observational time interval. Hence, the solution is different from the distance bounding protocols that require multiple iterations for the round-trip delay measurement. The proposed scheme is shown to be adaptable with the existing commitment scheme such as Schnorr identification scheme and Pedersen commitment scheme.
Original languageEnglish
StatePublished - 31 Jul 2018


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