Translated title of the contribution: DYNAMIC MIRROR SERVICE POLICY

Jr Mason, Robert, S. (Inventor), Yuval Ofek (Inventor), Natan Vishlitzky (Inventor), Dan Arnon (Inventor), Eitan Bachmat (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


The invention relates generally to mass storage systems, and in particular to mass storage systems in which stored logical volumes are duplicated in mirrored form. The system includes a method for dynamically adjusting the mirror service policy for a disk drive system by periodically collecting statistics (101) describing the reading and writing of data to mirrored logical volumes of the system in successive time periods and determining, from time to time, from the collected statistics, whether the mirror service policy should continue or should change (104). In particular, the system takes into account activity levels at the physical devices and results in more efficient accessing of logical volume pairs as well as a better balance of loading and accessing the logical volumes.

Translated title of the contributionDYNAMIC MIRROR SERVICE POLICY
Original languageEnglish GB
Patent numberWO9915957
IPCG06F 13/ 00 A I
Priority date24/09/97
StatePublished - 1 Apr 1999


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