Predictors of Satisfaction With Life Among Adult Patients With Established Crohn's Disease

Orly Sarid, Vered Slonim-Navo, Michael Friger, Hillel Vardi, Doron Schwartz, Daniela Munteau, Vitaly Dizengof, Alex Moshkelo, Alex Rozental, Gil Ben Yaakov, Pavel Krugliak, Naim Abu Freha, Leslie Eidelman, Nava Gaspar, Alex Fich, Dan Greenberg, Shmuel Odes

Research output: Contribution to journalMeeting Abstractpeer-review


Introduction: From studies of the psychopathology of patients with Crohn’s disease (CD) it is postulated that the degree of satisfaction with life is a personality resource that impacts on their ability to cope with the adverse effects of the disease. Yet, the demographic, psychological and family support factors that predict the protective salutary effects of this resource among CD patients are incompletely understood.
Methods: Consecutive CD patients undergoing clinical follow-up at the IBD Clinic completed the following socio-psychological questionnaires: McMaster family assessment device (FAD, assesses respondents’ perceptions of functioning and communication in their family, Epstein et al. 1983), satisfaction with life scale (SWLS, measures respondents’ subjective well-being, Diener et al. 1985) and brief symptom inventory (BSI, defines psychological symptoms, Deragotis & Melisaratos 1983) in addition to demographiceconomic documentation and IBDQ. Pooled demographic variables, negative psychological well-being variables, familial functioning variables, and the Harvey-Bradshaw index (HBI) of disease severity and IBDQ were included a linear regression model, with SWLS as the dependent variable. The data are presented as mean ± standard deviation.

Results: There were 192 patients: 81 men (age 36.8±14.5 years, disease duration 11.4±8.6 years, education 13.7±2.7 years, HBI 7.6±4.9, IBDQ 48.1±15.4) and 111 women (41.4±15.6*, 14.0±9.3*, 14.2±2.8, 8.4±4.8, 47.3±13.3; *p <0.05 vs. men). The mean scores of FAD, BSI and SWLS were as follows: men: 1.79±0.59, 0.95±0.92 and 21.6±7.9, and women: 1.66±0.55, 0.89±0.82 and 23.3±7.0 (p=ns vs. men). In an overall model of the cohort, three variables were found to be significant predictors for satisfaction with life among CD patients. The percent of explained variance of the model is 50.9%, adjusted R square =0.501 (Table). Additional significant components of BSI impacting SWLS included phobic anxiety and somatization. Severity of disease and age at onset of disease did not impact on satisfaction with life. BSI depression was correlated with IBDQ (r=-0.631).
Conclusion: Satisfaction with life was contingent upon higher economic status, absence of depression, and good family functioning. Physicians should examine Crohn’s disease patients for signs of depression, and explore family relationships in order to help their patients cope with the disease. Supported by a generous grant from the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust.
Original languageEnglish GB
Pages (from-to)S488-S488
JournalAmerican Journal of Gastroenterology
StatePublished - Oct 2014


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