Probing the boundaries of Irish memory: From postmemory to prememory and back

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28 Scopus citations


It has long been accepted that memory plays a prominent role in the construction of Irish identities and yet historians of Ireland were relatively late in addressing the vogue for memory studies that emerged in the 1980s. Its arrival as a core theme in Irish historical studies was announced in 2001 with the publication of History and memory in modern Ireland, edited by Ian McBride, whose seminal introduction essay - the essential starting point for all subsequent explorations - issued the promise that 'a social and cultural history of remembering would unravel the various strands of commemorative tradition which have formed our consciousness of the past'. The volume originated in one of the many academic conferences held in the bicentennial year of the 1798 rebellion, which was part of a decade of commemorations that listed among its highlights the tercentenary of the battle of the Boyne, the sesquicentenary of the Great Famine, and the bicentenaries of the United Irishmen, the Act of Union, and Robert Emmet's rising. The following years produced a boom of studies on Irish memory, which has anticipated another decade of commemorations. Eyes are now set on the centenaries of the Great War, the Irish Revolution and Partition, all of which will undoubtedly generate further publications on memory. It is therefore timely to take stock of this burgeoning field and consider its future prospects.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)296-307
Number of pages12
JournalIrish Historical Studies
Issue number154
StatePublished - 1 Nov 2014

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • History


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