Probing the repulsive core of the nucleon-nucleon interaction via the He 4 (e,e′pN) triple-coincidence reaction

I. Korover, N. Muangma, O. Hen, R. Shneor, V. Sulkosky, A. Kelleher, S. Gilad, D. W. Higinbotham, E. Piasetzky, J. W. Watson, S. A. Wood, P. Aguilera, Z. Ahmed, H. Albataineh, K. Allada, B. Anderson, D. Anez, K. Aniol, J. Annand, W. ArmstrongJ. Arrington, T. Averett, T. Badman, H. Baghdasaryan, X. Bai, A. Beck, S. Beck, V. Bellini, F. Benmokhtar, W. Bertozzi, J. Bittner, W. Boeglin, A. Camsonne, C. Chen, J. P. Chen, K. Chirapatpimol, E. Cisbani, M. M. Dalton, A. Daniel, D. Day, C. W. De Jager, R. De Leo, W. Deconinck, M. Defurne, D. Flay, N. Fomin, M. Friend, S. Frullani, E. Fuchey, F. Garibaldi, D. Gaskell, R. Gilman, O. Glamazdin, C. Gu, P. Gueye, D. Hamilton, C. Hanretty, J. O. Hansen, M. Hashemi Shabestari, T. Holmstrom, M. Huang, S. Iqbal, G. Jin, N. Kalantarians, H. Kang, M. Khandaker, J. Lerose, J. Leckey, R. Lindgren, E. Long, J. Mammei, D. J. Margaziotis, P. Markowitz, A. Marti Jimenez-Arguello, D. Meekins, Z. Meziani, R. Michaels, M. Mihovilovic, P. Monaghan, C. Munoz Camacho, B. Norum, Nuruzzaman, K. Pan, S. Phillips, I. Pomerantz, M. Posik, V. Punjabi, X. Qian, Y. Qiang, X. Qiu, A. Rakhman, P. E. Reimer, S. Riordan, G. Ron, O. Rondon-Aramayo, A. Saha, E. Schulte, L. Selvy, A. Shahinyan, S. Sirca, J. Sjoegren, K. Slifer, P. Solvignon, N. Sparveris, R. Subedi, W. Tireman, D. Wang, L. B. Weinstein, B. Wojtsekhowski, W. Yan, I. Yaron, Z. Ye, X. Zhan, J. Zhang, Y. Zhang, B. Zhao, Z. Zhao, X. Zheng, P. Zhu, R. Zielinski

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105 Scopus citations


We studied simultaneously the He4(e,e′p), He4(e,e′pp), and He4(e,e′pn) reactions at Q2=2(GeV/c)2 and xB>1, for an (e,e′p) missing-momentum range of 400 to 830MeV/c. The knocked-out proton was detected in coincidence with a proton or neutron recoiling almost back to back to the missing momentum, leaving the residual A=2 system at low excitation energy. These data were used to identify two-nucleon short-range correlated pairs and to deduce their isospin structure as a function of missing momentum, in a region where the nucleon-nucleon (NN) force is expected to change from predominantly tensor to repulsive. The abundance of neutron-proton pairs is reduced as the nucleon momentum increases beyond ∼500MeV/c. The extracted fraction of proton-proton pairs is small and almost independent of the missing momentum. Our data are compared with calculations of two-nucleon momentum distributions in He4 and discussed in the context of probing the elusive repulsive component of the NN force.

Original languageEnglish
Article number022501
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Issue number2
StatePublished - 9 Jul 2014
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Physics and Astronomy


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