Cebrián, S, Pérez, J, Bandac, I, Labarga, L, Álvarez, V, Barrado, AI, Bettini, A, Borges, FIGM, Camargo, M, Cárcel, S, Cervera, A, Conde, CAN, Conde, E, Dafni, T, Díaz, J, Esteve, R, Fernandes, LMP, Fernández, M, Ferrario, P, Freitas, EDC, Fernandes, LMP, Gehman, VM, Goldschmidt, A, Gómez-Cadenas, JJ, González-Díaz, D, Gutiérrez, RM, Hauptman, J, Morata, JAH, Herrera, DC, Irastorza, IG, Laing, A, Liubarsky, I, López-March, N, Lorca, D, Losada, M, Luzón, G, Marí, A, Martín-Albo, J, Martínez, A, Martínez-Lema, G, Miller, T, Monrabal, F, Monserrate, M, Monteiro, CMB, Mora, FJ, Moutinho, LM, Vidal, JM, Nebot-Guinot, M, Nygren, D, Oliveira, CAB, De Solórzano, AO, Aparicio, JLP, Querol, M, Renner, J, Ripoll, L, Rodríguez, J, Santos, FP, Dos Santos, JMF, Serra, L, Shuman, D, Simón, A, Sofka, C, Sorel, M, Toledo, JF, Torrent, J, Tsamalaidze, Z, Veloso, JFCA, Villar, JA, Webb, RC, White, JT & Yahlali, N 2015,
Radon and material radiopurity assessment for the NEXT double beta decay experiment. in JL Orrell (ed.),
Low Radioactivity Techniques 2015, LRT 2015: Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop in Low Radioactivity Techniques., 060002, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1672, American Institute of Physics Inc., 5th International Workshop in Low Radioactivity Techniques, LRT 2015, Seattle, United States,