Recent results in mathematical modeling and performance evaluation of disks and disk array.

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In the seventies and eighties extensive work on mathematical modeling and performance evaluation of disks and disk arrays was carried out. The main tools were stochastic and combinatorial analysis. For the combinatorial approach led by C. K. Wong and his collaborators the reader is urged to consult [11]. for the stochastic approach led by E. G. Coffman and his collaborators one should consult [3]. Both references provide rather extensive bibliographies. In the late eighties and the nineties with the coming of the RAID "revolution", most of the work in the area has become rather heuristic in nature, see [5] for a survey, with a few notable exceptions.In this abstract we would like to report on two recent results which relate performance and modeling issues in disks and disk arrays to the theory of metric spaces and the theory of graph evolution and phase transition. We hope this will revive the spirit of the work done in the seventies and eighties (in other walks of life this may not be advisable).
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)24-26
JournalPerformance Evaluation Review
Issue number4
StatePublished - Mar 2001


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