Reverse shoulder arthroplasty with a cementless short metaphyseal humeral implant without a stem: clinical and radiologic outcomes in prospective 2- to 7-year follow-up study

Ofer Levy, Ali Narvani, Nir Hous, Ruben Abraham, Jai Relwani, Riten Pradhan, Juan Bruguera, Giuseppe Sforza, Ehud Atoun

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

69 Scopus citations


Background: Reverse shoulder prostheses are increasingly used in recent years for treatment of glenohumeral arthropathy with deficient rotator cuff. Bone preservation is becoming a major goal in shoulder replacement surgery. Metaphyseal humeral components without a stem were developed to minimize bone resection and preserve bone. This study evaluated the clinical and radiologic outcomes at 2 to 7 years using a novel short metaphyseal reverse total shoulder arthroplasty (rTSA) prosthesis without a diaphyseal stem. Methods: Between 2005 and 2010, 102 consecutive patients underwent rTSA with this implant, and 98 (20 men, 78 women) were available for follow-up. Mean age was 74.4 years (range, 38-93 years). Indications were cuff tear arthropathy, 65; fracture sequelae, 12; rheumatoid arthritis, 13; failed rotator cuff repair, 3; cuff deficiency with loosening of anatomic prosthesis, 3; and acute trauma, 2; with 17 of these as revisions. Results: Patients’ satisfaction (Subjective Shoulder Value) improved from 8 of 100 to 85 of 100. The Constant score improved from 14 to 59 (age- and sex-adjusted, 86; P <.0001). Range of motion improved from 47° to 129° in elevation, 10° to 51° in external rotation, and 21° to 65° in internal rotation. Radiographic analysis showed no lucencies, subsidence, or stress shielding around the humeral or glenoid components. Glenoid notching was found in 21 patients (18 grade 1-2; 3 grade 3). Conclusions: The short metaphyseal rTSA design without a diaphyseal stem shows encouraging short- to midterm results, with excellent pain relief and shoulder function, restoration of good active range of motion, and high patient satisfaction scores. The design of this implant seems to result in improved rotational movements, low incidence of glenoid notching, and no implant loosening, subsidence, or stress shielding.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1362-1370
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery
Issue number8
StatePublished - 1 Aug 2016
Externally publishedYes


  • Shoulder
  • arthroplasty
  • bone graft impaction
  • cementless
  • glenoid notching
  • metaphyseal
  • replacement
  • reverse TSA
  • rotation

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Surgery
  • Orthopedics and Sports Medicine


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