David Zarrouk (Inventor), Moshe Shoham (Inventor), Menashe Zaaroor (Inventor), Hadas Ziso (Inventor), David Zarrouk (Inventor), Moshe Shoham (Inventor), Menashe Zaaroor (Inventor), Hadas Ziso (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


A robotic device for performing intracranial procedures, comprising a baseplate for mounting on the subject's skull and a rotatable base element rotating on the baseplate. The rotatable base element has a central opening through which a cannulated needle can protrude such that it can rotate around an axis perpendicular to the baseplate. This cannulated needle is robotically controlled to provide motion into and out of the subject's skull. A flexible needle is disposed coaxially within the cannulated needle, and it is controlled to move into and out of a non-axial aperture in the distal part of the cannulated needle. Coordinated control of the insertion motion of the cannulated and flexible needles, and rotation of the combined cannulated/flexible needle assembly enables access to be obtained to a volume of a region of the brain having lateral dimensions substantially larger than the width of the cannulated needle.

Original languageEnglish
Patent numberUS2014025088
IPCA61B 19/ 00 A I
Priority date15/07/13
StatePublished - 23 Jan 2014


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