Safety and rapid response of dabrafenib and trametinib therapy during hyperbilirubinemia in metastatic melanoma

Walid Shalata, Rachel Steckbeck, Ilya Polishchuk, Ahron Yehonatan Cohen, Keren Rouvinov, Margarita Tokar, Ashraf Abu Jama, Omar Abu Saleh, Kim Sheva, Alexander Yakobson

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    3 Scopus citations


    This case report describes the occurrence of hyperbilirubinemia as a complication of metastatic melanoma. A 72-year-old male patient was diagnosed with BRAF V600E-mutated melanoma with metastases in the liver, lymph nodes, lungs, pancreas, and stomach. Due to a lack of clinical data and specific guidelines for the treatment of mutated metastatic melanoma patients with hyperbilirubinemia, a conference of specialists debated between initiating treatment or providing supportive care. Ultimately, the patient was started on the combination therapy of dabrafenib and trametinib. This treatment resulted in a significant therapeutic response via normalization of bilirubin levels and an impressive radiological response of metastases just one month post-treatment initiation.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number1102330
    JournalFrontiers in Oncology
    StatePublished - 1 Jan 2023


    • BRAF mutation (V600E)
    • dabrafenib
    • hyperbilirubinemia
    • metastatic melanoma
    • safety
    • trametinib

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Oncology
    • Cancer Research


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