Search for solar axions by the CERN axion solar telescope with He 3 buffer gas: Closing the hot dark matter gap

M. Arik, S. Aune, K. Barth, A. Belov, S. Borghi, H. Bräuninger, G. Cantatore, J. M. Carmona, S. A. Cetin, J. I. Collar, E. Da Riva, T. Dafni, M. Davenport, C. Eleftheriadis, N. Elias, G. Fanourakis, E. Ferrer-Ribas, P. Friedrich, J. Galán, J. A. GarcíaA. Gardikiotis, J. G. Garza, E. N. Gazis, T. Geralis, E. Georgiopoulou, I. Giomataris, S. Gninenko, H. Gómez, M. Gómez Marzoa, E. Gruber, T. Guthörl, R. Hartmann, S. Hauf, F. Haug, M. D. Hasinoff, D. H.H. Hoffmann, F. J. Iguaz, I. G. Irastorza, J. Jacoby, K. Jakovčić, M. Karuza, K. Königsmann, R. Kotthaus, M. Krčmar, M. Kuster, B. Lakić, P. M. Lang, J. M. Laurent, A. Liolios, A. Ljubičić, G. Luzón, S. Neff, T. Niinikoski, A. Nordt, T. Papaevangelou, M. J. Pivovaroff, G. Raffelt, H. Riege, A. Rodríguez, M. Rosu, J. Ruz, I. Savvidis, I. Shilon, P. S. Silva, S. K. Solanki, L. Stewart, A. Tomás, M. Tsagri, K. Van Bibber, T. Vafeiadis, J. Villar, J. K. Vogel, S. C. Yildiz, K. Zioutas

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114 Scopus citations


The CERN Axion Solar Telescope has finished its search for solar axions with He3 buffer gas, covering the search range 0.64 eV ma 1.17 eV. This closes the gap to the cosmological hot dark matter limit and actually overlaps with it. From the absence of excess x rays when the magnet was pointing to the Sun we set a typical upper limit on the axion-photon coupling of gaγ 3.3×10-10 GeV-1 at 95% C.L., with the exact value depending on the pressure setting. Future direct solar axion searches will focus on increasing the sensitivity to smaller values of gaγ, for example by the currently discussed next generation helioscope International AXion Observatory.

Original languageEnglish
Article number091302
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Issue number9
StatePublished - 4 Mar 2014
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Physics and Astronomy


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