Search for the Neutral Dibaryon with Strangeness −2 in High Transverse Momentum π Nucleus Interactions at 40 GeV/c

H. Bärwolff, W. Friebel, U. Gensch, U. Kundt, K. Lanius, H. Roloff, H. J. Schreiber, E. Denes, L. Diosy, T. Gemesy, L. Jenik, J. Krasnovsky, Gy Pinter, I. Wagner, A. V. Bannikov, J. Böhm, Ya V. Grishkevich, B. A. Khomenko, Z. V. Krumstein, Yu P. MerekovV. I. Petrukhin, K. Safarik, G. A. Shelkov, L. G. Tkachev, L. S. Vertogradov, T. Soukup, A. Valkarova, S. Valkar, P. Zavada, V. N. Penev, A. I. Sklovskaja, A. K. Jarishvili, A. I. Kharchillava, T. A. Lomtadze, L. A. Razdolskaya, W. Dominik, J. Gajewski, S. Majewski, K. Pniewska, L. Ropelewski, J. A. Zakrzewski

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Analysing high transverse momentum π nucleus interactions at 40 GeV/c, a search has been made for the hypothetical dibaryon H0 with strangeness −2, spin‐parity 0+ and mass below the two lambda mass. The data came from an experiment performed with a streamer chamber which is well suited to find the H0 through its unique signature of the weak p decay. No H0 event has been found. The 90% confidence upper limit for the observed frequency of production of the H° dibaryon per inelastic πA collision amounts to 1.5 ·104. Cross section upper limits are estimated for C, Cu and Pb targets, also with 90% confidence level.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)407-412
Number of pages6
JournalAnnalen der Physik
Issue number6-8
StatePublished - 1 Jan 1986
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Physics and Astronomy


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