Self-assembling peptides and proteins into dynamic, functional, adhesive, and self-healing structures

K Inostroza Brito, E Collin, Orit Siton-Mendelson, Katherine Smith, Amalia Mongue-Marcet, Daniela Ferreira, Raul Perez, Matilde Alonso, Jose Carlos Rodriguez-Cabello, Rui Reis, Francesc Sagues, Lorenzo Botto, Ronit Bitton, Helena Azevedo, Alvaro Mata

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


Manipulation, spatio-temporal control, and hierarchical order of proteins are major goals for the next generation of functional biomaterials. However, the capacity to accurately control self-assembly of these building-blocks across scales with significant spatial and temporal control is still limited. Here we present a protein/peptide self-assembling system that exhibits hierarchical architecture, controlled assembly capabilities, adhesion to surfaces, self-healing, and the capacity to undergo morphogenesis into complex geometries with high spatio-temporal control. We demonstrate the potential of the system for fabricating bioactive and biomimetic scaffolds for tissue engineering.
Original languageEnglish
StatePublished - Mar 2016
Event10th World Biomaterials Congress - Montréal, Canada
Duration: 17 May 201622 May 2016


Conference10th World Biomaterials Congress
City Montréal


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