Silver-capped selenium explored as an electro-catalyst for simultaneous detection of nitro-aromatic drugs in different aqueous samples

Antolin Jesila Jesu Amalraj, Umesh Narasimha Murthy, Sea Fue Wang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Scopus citations


Herein, we have fabricated silver (Ag) over selenium (Se) to explore its enriched electrochemical performance towards the simultaneous detection of nitro-aromatic drugs (nitrofurantoin (NFT) and P-nitrophenol (P-NP)). Due to its synergistic effect, Ag/Se modified GCE showed excellent electro-catalytic activity compared to other electrodes. Well-defined and divergent reduction peaks were obtained at −0.49 V (NFT) and −0.85 V (P-NP) with a detection range of 0.9 V at Ag/Se/GCE. It withholds an extensive linear range of 0.1 to 210 µM for NFT and 0.1 to 150 µM for P-NP with a nanomolar level detection limit of 23.87 nM L−1 & 7.82 nM L−1; an appraisable sensitivity of 1.138 µA µM−1 cm−2 & 2.86 µA µM−1 cm−2 for NFT and P-NP, respectively. Interestingly, the electrode possesses a high selectivity in the presence of biomolecules, nitro drugs, and metal ions. Examination of nitro-aromatic drug contamination on water sources shows a massive peril to human life and marine environs due to its adverse hazardous effects. Further, the fabricated Ag/Se-based electrochemical sensor was exposed to various environmental aqueous samples to detect NFT& P-NP which has demonstrated an exquisite recovery results in practical feasibility. Thereby confirms that Ag/Se-based electrochemical sensors have boundless potential for ecological investigations and sensing applications.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)243-253
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry
StatePublished - 25 Apr 2022
Externally publishedYes


  • Environmental sample analysis
  • Lustrous transition metal
  • Nitroaromatics
  • Selenium rods
  • Simultaneous detection

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Chemical Engineering


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