Solid state synthesis of water-dispersible silicon nanoparticles from silica nanoparticles

Keren Kravitz, Alexander Kamyshny, Aharon Gedanken, Shlomo Magdassi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

13 Scopus citations


A solid state synthesis for obtaining nanocrystalline silicon was performed by high temperature reduction of commercial amorphous nanosilica with magnesium powder. The obtained silicon powder contains crystalline silicon phase with lattice spacings characteristic of diamond cubic structure (according to high resolution TEM), and an amorphous phase. In 29Si CP MAS NMR a broad multicomponent peak corresponding to silicon is located at -61.28 to -69.45 ppm, i.e. between the peaks characteristic of amorphous and crystalline Si. The powder has displayed red luminescence while excited under UV illumination, due to quantum confinement within the nanocrystals. The silicon nanopowder was successfully dispersed in water containing poly(vinyl alcohol) as a stabilizing agent. The obtained dispersion was also characterized by red photoluminescence with a band maximum at 710 nm, thus enabling future functional coating applications.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1442-1447
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of Solid State Chemistry
Issue number6
StatePublished - 1 Jun 2010
Externally publishedYes


  • Nanoparticles
  • Silicon nanoparticles
  • Silicon photoluminescence
  • Stabilization of nanoparticles

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
  • Ceramics and Composites
  • Condensed Matter Physics
  • Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
  • Inorganic Chemistry
  • Materials Chemistry


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