Spartans or Samaritans? Revealing the Creativity of the Author of 1 Maccabees

Matan Orian

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


A majority of scholars view the Hasmonean-Spartan correspondence, reported in 1 Maccabees, as inauthentic, since it contains many improbabilities, including the assertion that the Jews and the Spartans are fraternal nations. However, its patent implausibility also renders it unimaginable that the correspondence was intended to be understood literally. Hence, the binary choice offered in research, whereby it is either a bizarre fabrication or an authentic correspondence, despite all its peculiarities, is problematic. The Hasmonean-Spartan correspondence thus remains a conspicuous, unresolved enigma in the research of 1 Maccabees and the early Hasmonean period. Based on a textual clue, this article proposes a solution, namely, that the correspondence is, in fact, an ingenious derision of the Jews' authentic ethnic brothers - the Samaritans. This suggestion provides new insights into the history of the early Hasmoneans and the literary creativity of the author of 1 Maccabees.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)376-398
Number of pages23
JournalHarvard Theological Review
Issue number3
StatePublished - 4 Jul 2023
Externally publishedYes


  • 1 Maccabees
  • fabricated documents
  • Hasmoneans
  • historiography and fiction
  • Jews and Samaritans
  • pseudo-documentarism
  • Second Temple period
  • Sparta

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Religious studies


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