Structure of compound and component communities of fleas parasitic on small mammals in six different regions as revealed by environmental-based co-occurrence geometry analyses

Boris R. Krasnov, Vasily I. Grabovsky, Irina S. Khokhlova, Natalia P. Korallo-Vinarskaya, M. Fernanda López Berrizbietia, Sonja Matthee, Juliana Sanchez, Michal Stanko, Luther Van Der Mescht, Maxim V. Vinarski

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We inferred the patterns of co-occurrence of flea species in compound (across all host species) and component (across conspecific hosts) communities from six regions of the world (Mongolia, Northwest Argentina, Argentinian Patagonia, West Siberia, Slovakia, and South Africa) using the novel eigenvector ellipsoid method. This method allows us to infer structural community patterns by comparing species’ environmental requirements with the pattern of their co-occurrences. We asked whether: (a) communities are characterized by species segregation, nestedness, or modularity; (b) patterns detected by the novel method conform to the patterns identified by traditional methods that search for non-randomness in community structure; and (c) the pattern of flea species co-occurrences in component communities is associated with host species traits. The results of the application of the eigenvector ellipsoid method suggested that the co-occurrence of flea species was random in all compound communities except in South Africa, where this community demonstrated a tendency to be nested. Flea species co-occurrences were random in many component communities. Species segregation was detected in the flea community of one host, whereas the flea communities of 14 hosts from different regions appeared to be nested. No indication of a modular structure in any community was found. The nestedness of flea component communities was mainly characteristic of hosts with a low relative brain mass. We concluded that the application of this novel method that combines data on species distribution and their environmental requirements allows better identification of the community structural patterns and produces more reliable results as compared with traditional methods.

Original languageEnglish
JournalIntegrative Zoology
StateAccepted/In press - 1 Jan 2024


  • co-occurrence
  • eigenvector ellipsoid
  • fleas
  • nestedness
  • small mammals

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Animal Science and Zoology


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