title = "Structure of 14C from 12C(t, p)",
abstract = "The reaction 12C(t, p)14C has been investigated with an 18 MeV triton beam. Twenty energy levels of 14C were identified up to 13 MeV excitation. Angular distributions were measured and compared with DWBA calculations. A previously unreported 0+ level at 9.75 MeV was observed; it undoubtedly corresponds to the second predominantly sd shell 0+ state in 14C. Additional spin and parity assignments have been made in the present work: 9.81 MeV, (1-); 10.43 MeV, 2+; 10.50 MeV, (3-); 10.74 MeV, 4+; 11.40 MeV, 1-; 11.67 MeV, (1-); 11.73 MeV, (5-); 12.58 MeV, (2+, 3-); 12.87 MeV. 2+, 3-; and 12.96 MeV, (1-); none of which had a definite spin and parity assignment previously. Our results confirm the previous information on the level structure of 14C below 8.5 MeV. The cross section for the unnatural parity state at 7.34 MeV, Jπ = 2-, is well reproduced by a two-step reaction calculation. The results are compared with the predictions of a weak coupling model.",
keywords = "Nuclear reactions",
author = "S. Mordechai and Fortune, {H. T.} and Moore, {G. E.} and Cobern, {M. E.} and Kollarits, {R. V.} and R. Middleton",
note = "Funding Information: There has been a great deal of experimental and theoretical work done on the nuclear properties of carbon-14 and neighboring nuclei in the past ') and in recent years Z). The latest compilation of Ajzenberg-Selove s) gives a survey of all the relevant measurements for t`C. Based on those measurements, spin and parity assignments are given 2) for all levels in t{"}C below 8.5 MeV excitation. Above this energy the information about the level structure is incomplete and only tentative spin and parity assignments for some of the energy levels have been reported Z) . From a simple shell-model viewpoint, the t2 C target nucleus has a configuration (ls~)~(lp})e . The lower-lying states of °C would then result from two particles in the lp~, 2s{\ss}, ld} or ld~ orbitals. However, since t2C does not really form a closed lp~. subshell, some of the lower levels in t`C could also have admixtures of lp~ neutron tt' Work supported by the National Science Foundation. trr Presentlyat OxfordUniversity onleave fromUniv. of Penna.Onleave fromthe Departmentof Physics,Ben-GurionUniversity,Beer-Sheva, = Present address : Analytic Services Inc., Falls Church, Virginia, 22041 . tt Present address : Westinghouse Electric Corp ., Bettis Atomic Power Lab ., PO Box 79, West Mifflin, Pa. 15122.",
year = "1978",
month = jun,
day = "5",
doi = "10.1016/0375-9474(78)90062-3",
language = "English",
volume = "301",
pages = "463--476",
journal = "Nuclear Physics A",
issn = "0375-9474",
publisher = "Elsevier B.V.",
number = "3",