Study of shock-wave mitigation through solid obstacles

A Chaudhuri, A Hadjadj, O Sadot, G Ben-Dor

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


The physical understanding and modeling of shock mitigation are important for the development of an effective barrier arrangement related to disaster management. While it is not currently feasible to simulate and analyze full configurations in detail, sufficient progress has been made to analyze the dynamics of simpler building block flows that provide useful insights into the underlying dynamics of these complex flows. Also, apart form the experimental study, numerical simulation has become quintessential tool for prediction of complex physics in solid/fluid interaction problems. Several authors dealt with experimental or numerical approaches in order to study the unsteady shock wave interaction with multiple obstacles, such as cylinders, spheres and triangular prisms [1, 2, 3, 4]. According to the recent findings of [5], the influence of different geometrical shapes on shock-wave attenuation is negligible for higher open passage. However, this finding requires a systematic study of the effects of different parameters for lower values of the open passage. In our previous works [6, 7], excellent agreement between experimental and numerical results is obtained for the case of shock-wave interaction with single cylinder and triangular prism. These validations prove the reliability of the computational techniques used for the present study. It is being observed that after the passage of the shock through the obstacle matrix, eddies of different length scales are generated, but the later stage of shock-vortex, shocklet-vortexlet interaction are different for inviscid and viscous computations [8].
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication28th international symposium on shock waves
EditorsK. Kontis
PublisherSpringer Heidelberg
Number of pages6
ISBN (Electronic)978-3-642-25685-1
ISBN (Print)978-3-642-25684-4
StatePublished - 2012


  • Shock Wave
  • Shock Front
  • Immerse Boundary Method
  • Triangular Prism
  • Relaxation Length


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