Supporting Information A Versatile Photocatalytic System for H 2 Generation in Water Based on an Efficient

L Li, J Xu, J Lei, J Zhang, F McLarnon, Z Wei, Nan Li, F Pan, Kun Xu, Pengzuo Chen, Xiuling Li, Yun Tong, Hui Ding, Xiaojun Wu, Wangsheng Chu, Zheng Zhenmeng Peng, Changzheng Wu, Yi Xie, Menny Shalom, Debora RessnigXiaofei Yang, Guylhaine Clavel, Tim Patrick Fellinger, Markus Antonietti, Seok-Hu Bae, Ji-Eun Kim, Hyacinthe Randriamahazaka, Song-Yi Moon, Jeong-Young Park, Il-Kwon Oh, Gao Feng Chen, Tian Yi Ma, Zhao Qing Liu, Nan Li, Yu Zhi Su, Kenneth Davey, Shi Zhang Qiao, Xunhui Xiong, Dong Ding, Dongchang Chen, Gordon Waller, Yunfei Bu, Zhixing Wang, Meilin Liu, Gengfeng Zheng, Zheng Zhenmeng Peng, Dingsi Jia, Abdullah M. Al-Enizi, Ahmed A. Elzatahry, Bo You, Nan Jiang, Xuan Liu, Yujie Sun, Dubois-type Nickel Catalyst, Manuela A Gross, Anna Reynal, James R Durrant, Erwin Reisner

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


Encephalopathy is an increasingly recognized complication of type 1 diabetes. The underlying mechanisms are not well understood, although insulin deficiency has been implicated. The spontaneously diabetic BB/Wor-rat develops neuro-behavioral deficits and neuronal cell death in hippocampus and frontal cortex, which can be prevented by insulinomimetic C-peptide. Here we examined whether contributing factors such as activation of innate immune mediators are responsive to C-peptide replacement. Seven-month diabetic BB/Wor-rats and those treated with full C-peptide replacement were compared to age-matched control rats. Hippocampi of diabetic rats showed upregulation of RAGE and NF-kappaB, the former being localized to proliferating astrocytes. These changes were associated with increased expression of TNF-alpha, IL-1beta, IL-2 and IL-6 in hippocampi of diabetic rats. Full C-peptide replacement, which did not induce hyperglycemia, resulted in significant prevention of upregulation of RAGE expression, activation of NF-kappaB and activation of pro-inflammatory factors. In conclusion, impaired insulin activity is associated with upregulation of RAGE and pro-inflammatory factors, and these are likely to contribute to previously described oxidative and apoptotic neuronal cell death. Replacement of insulinomimetic C-peptide significantly prevents this cascade of events.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAdvanced Energy Materials
Number of pages7
StatePublished - 2015

Publication series

NameAdvanced Energy Materials


  • H2production
  • High-performance
  • Nickel foam
  • Nickel hydroxide nanosheets
  • Supercapacitor
  • biomass upgrading
  • electrocatalysis
  • electrocatalysts
  • hydrogen evolution reaction
  • nanowires
  • nickel phosphide
  • oxygen evolution reaction
  • transition-metal electrocatalyst
  • water splitting


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