System And Method For Extracting Dominant Orientations From A Scene

Julian Straub (Inventor), Guy Rosman (Inventor), Oren Freifeld (Inventor), John J Leonard (Inventor), Iii John W Fisher (Inventor), Julian Straub (Inventor), Guy Rosman (Inventor), Oren Freifeld (Inventor), John J Leonard (Inventor), III John W Fisher (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


In one embodiment, a method of identifying the dominant orientations of a scene comprises representing a scene as a plurality of directional vectors. The scene may comprise a three-dimensional representation of a scene, and the plurality of directional vectors may comprise a plurality of surface normals. The method further comprises determining, based on the plurality of directional vectors, a plurality of orientations describing the scene. The determined plurality of orientations explains the directionality of the plurality of directional vectors. In certain embodiments, the plurality of orientations may have independent axes of rotation. The plurality of orientations may be determined by representing the plurality of directional vectors as lying on a mathematical representation of a sphere, and inferring the parameters of a statistical model to adapt the plurality of orientations to explain the positioning of the plurality of directional vectors lying on the mathematical representation of the sphere.

Original languageEnglish
Patent numberUS2015286893
IPCG06T 15/ 10 A I
Priority date3/04/15
StatePublished - 8 Oct 2015


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