Systems and methods for searching of storage data with reduced bandwidth requirements

Michael Hirsch (Inventor), Haim Bitner (Inventor), Lior Aronovich (Inventor), Ron Asher (Inventor), Eitan Bachmat (Inventor), Shmuel T Klein (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


Systems and methods enabling search of a repository for the location of data that is similar to input data, using a defined measure of similarity, in a time that is independent of the size of the repository and linear in a size of the input data, and a space that is proportional to a small fraction of the size of the repository. Additionally, remote operations are accomplished with significantly reduced system bandwidth by implementing remote differencing operations.

Original languageEnglish GB
Patent numberUS2006059207
IPCG06F 17/ 30 A I
Priority date29/07/05
StatePublished - 16 Mar 2006


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