Tel Te'o: a neolithic, chalcolithic, and early Bronze Age site in the Hula valley

Emanuel Eisenberg, Avi Gopher, Yuval Goren, Raphael Greenberg

Research output: Book/ReportBookpeer-review


Tel Te’o is a multi-component pre- and proto-historic site in the Hula Valley, Israel (map ref. 2035/2820; Fig. 1.1). Its stratigraphic sequence begins with the Pre-Pottery Neolithic period (PPN, Strata XIII–XI), and continues through the Pottery Neolithic (PN, Strata X–VIII) and Chalcolithic periods (Strata VII–VI), Early Bronze Age I (Strata V–IV) and Early Bronze Age II (Stratum III). Two strata of medieval and late Ottoman times cap the site.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationJerusalem
PublisherIsrael Antiquities Authority
Number of pages227
ISBN (Print)9654061422, 9654065525, 9789654061421, 9789654065528
StatePublished - 2001

Publication series

NameIAA reports
PublisherIsrael Antiquities Authority
Volumeno. 13


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