Textile-reinforced concrete to realise ultra high durability concrete (UHDC) in the framework of the EU H2020 project" ReSHEALience"

Christof Schroefl, Alva Peled, Oren Regev, Ruben Borg, Michaela Reichardt, Raghu Sripada, Victor Mechtcherine, Peter Deegan, Liberato Ferrara

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


The EU H2020 project “ReSHEALience” (rethinking coastal defence and green-energy service infrastructures through enhanced-durability high-performance cement-based materials) focuses on a holistic approach to create ultra-high durability concrete (UHDC) encompassing the concept and development of advanced materials and tailored design approaches to provide innovative structural solutions. One kind of cement-based composites to realise UHDC structures is textile-reinforced concrete (TRC), in which multiple layers of carbon multifilament yarns composed to a fabric serve as the reinforcement. TRC exhibits multiple micro-crack formation upon tensile loading with fairly small individual crack opening widths, below about 100 µm under service conditions. This characteristic in conjunction with functional admixtures is expected to reach a pronounced self-healing propensity of the cement-based matrix even under very harsh XS exposure conditions. Subsequent to durability-related laboratory experiments regarding sea water as the aggressive medium, two real-scale demonstration projects will be implemented, specifically a breakwater on the Irish west coast and the restoration of a historic water reservoir tower in Malta. This paper presents the concept of TRC development towards a UHDC, outlines the characteristics of the two demonstrators and some preliminary laboratory results
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationDurable concrete for infrastructure under severe conditions
Subtitle of host publicationSmart Admixtures, Self-responsiveness and Nano-additions
StatePublished - 1 Sep 2019


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