The activity of the stress modulated Arabidopsis ubiquitin ligases PUB46 and PUB48 is partially redundant

Gal Zizelski Valenci, Dina Raveh, Dudy Bar-Zvi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The Arabidopsis ubiquitin ligases PUB46, PUB47 and PUB48 are encoded by paralogus genes. Single gene pub46 and pub48 mutants display increased drought sensitivity compared to wild type (WT) suggesting that each has specific biological activity. The high sequence homology between PUB46 and PUB48 activity suggested that they may also share some aspects of their activity. Unfortunately, the close proximity of the PUB46 and PUB48 gene loci precludes obtaining a double mutant required to study if they are partially redundant by crossing the available single mutants. We thus applied microRNA technology to reduce the activity of all three gene products of the PUB46-48 subfamily by constructing an artificial microRNA (aMIR) targeted to this subfamily. Expressing aMIR46-48 in WT plants resulted in increased drought-sensitivity, a phenotype resembling that of each of the single pub46 and pub48 mutants, and enhanced sensitivity to methyl viologen, similar to that observed for the pub46 mutant. The WT plants expressing aMIR46-48 plants also revealed reduced inhibition by ABA at seed germination, a phenotype not evident in the single mutants. Expressing aMIR46-48 in pub46 and pub48 mutants further enhanced the drought sensitivity of each parental single mutant and of WT expressing aMIR46-48. These results suggest that the biological activities of PUB46 and PUB48 in abiotic stress response are partially redundant.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2072111
JournalPlant Signaling and Behavior
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1 Jan 2022


  • Arabidopsis
  • Ubiquitin ligase
  • artificial microRNA
  • paralogous genes
  • redundancy

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Plant Science


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