[The approach to the physician shortage in Israel].

Arnon Afek, Asaf Toker, Yitzhak Berlovitz, Ari Shamiss

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Scopus citations


The practice of medicine has changed in the last decade. Physicians no longer work largely solo but are part of interdisciplinary medical teams, and patient cases are more complex, as they suffer from multiple diseases. Today, the physician must also deal with economic, legal and public opinion issues. All of these factors pose new challenges to physicians. Apart from the changing world, there is also a shortage of physicians in Israel, as the number of new immigrant physicians has decreased over the last decade. Other medical professions and infrastructures are also lacking, including nurses, acute care hospital beds, intensive care beds and more. This increases the burden on physicians who must face a rapid turnover of patients per bed, more than in any other OECD country. In our work, we have suggested some new approaches to the physician shortage, apart from increasing the number of positions in medical schools, including changing the residency program and canceling the internship. The residency program will be divided into two stages: Two years in general medicine surgery or pediatrics and the second part in subspecialties such as pediatric surgery, neurology, gastroenterology, cardiology and others. An option to continue residency in general medicine, pediatrics, or surgery will also be possible and must be encouraged. We believe that the Scientific Council of the Israeli Medical Association is the professional organization that must evaluate this proposition.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)212-215, 306
Issue number3
StatePublished - 1 Mar 2011

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Medicine


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