The degenerate residual spectrum of quasi-split forms of SPIN8 associated to the Heisenberg parabolic subgroup

Avner Segal

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4 Scopus citations


In [J. Inst. Math. Jussieu 14 (2015), pp. 149-184] and [Int. Math. Res. Not. imrn 7 (2017), pp. 2014-2099], the twisted standard L-function L(s, π, χ, st) of a cuspidal representation π of the exceptional group of type G2 was shown to be represented by a family of new-way Rankin-Selberg integrals. These integrals connect the analytic behaviour of L(s, π, χ, st) with that of a family of degenerate Eisenstein series εE(χ, fs, s, g) on quasi-split forms HE of Spin8, induced from Heisenberg parabolic subgroups. The analytic behaviour of the series εE(χ, fs, s, g) in the right half-plane Re(s) > 0 was studied in [Tran. Amer. Math. Soc. 370 (2018), pp. 5983-6039]. In this paper we study the residual representations associated with εE(χ, fs, s, g).

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)6703-6754
Number of pages52
JournalTransactions of the American Mathematical Society
Issue number9
StatePublished - 1 Nov 2019
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Mathematics
  • Applied Mathematics


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