The Prague School and Its Legacy

Yishai Tobin (Editor)

Research output: Book/ReportBookpeer-review


Many of the fundamental ideas of the classical Prague School have guided or inspired much of the interdisciplinary post World War II research in linguistics, literary theory, semiotics, folklore and the arts. The Prague School promoted a humanistic and functional Leitmotiv of language as an open, flexible, adaptable, and abstract system of systems used by human beings to communicate. This hommage to the Prague School presents papers in five areas of research:- Prague School phonology and its theoretical and methodological implications, — The Prague School and functional discourse analysis, — The Prague School and aspects of literary criticism, — The sociological and ethnographical concerns of the Prague School, — The Prague School's semiotic approach to the arts.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherJohn Benjamins Publishing Company
Number of pages347
ISBN (Electronic)9789027278678
ISBN (Print)9789027215321, 9789027215376
StatePublished - Jan 1988

Publication series

NameLinguistic and Literary Studies in Eastern Europe
ISSN (Print)0165-7712


  • Linguistics
  • Czechoslovakia


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