The relaxation zone behind ormal shock waves in a dusty reacting diatomic gas

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The propagation of a strong normal shock wave into a quiescent mixture of nitrogen gas seeded with small, spherical inert dust particles is studied. While crossing the shock front, the gaseous phase of the suspension experiences a sudden change in temperature, pressure, density and velocity. The dust is initially unaffected by the shock wave. Owing to differences in temperature and velocity, intense heat transfer and viscous interactions between the two phases take place leading eventually to a new state of equilibrium that is reached further downstream of the shock front. The flow field where these interactions take place, the relaxation zone, is solved numerically. The spatial extent of this zone is strongly affected by the mass concentration of the dust in the suspension and its physical properties (size, density and specific-heat capacity). For the investigated range of dust concentration, size, density, specific-heat capacity and shock-wave Mach number, the kinematic relaxation zone is always longer than the thermal relaxation zone.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages14
StatePublished - 1 Dec 1984

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Engineering


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