The Role of Tomato Lycopene in Cancer Prevention

Joseph Levy, Shlomo Walfisch, Andrea Atzmon, Keren Hirsch, Marina Khanin, Karin Linnewiel, Yael Morag, Hagar Salman, Anna Veprik, Michael Danilenko, Yoav Sharoni

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


The role of the tomato carotenoid lycopene in cancer prevention has gained considerable interest in recent years. Most studies reported an inverse association between tomato intake or blood lycopene level and the risk of various types of cancer. This is supported by mechanistic studies with various cell culture and animal models. The biochemical processes involved in the chemoprotective effects of lycopene and other carotenoids are not completely understood. In this review we will primarily address the mechanisms proposed for the cancer preventive activity of tomato lycopene, focusing on the induction of phase II enzymes and the inhibition of growth factors, such as insulin-like growth factor, and sex hormones such as estrogens and androgens.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationVegetables, Whole Grains, and Their Derivatives in Cancer Prevention
EditorsMarja Mutanen, Anne-Maria Pajari
PublisherSpringer, Dordrecht
ISBN (Electronic)9789048198009
ISBN (Print)9789048197996, 9789400733800
StatePublished - Oct 2011

Publication series

NameDiet and Cancer


  • Tomato lycopene
  • Phase II enzymes
  • Growth factors
  • Sex hormones
  • Chemoprevention


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