The roles technology plays in twenty-first century leisure

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


This chapter seeks to provide a conceptual framework for understanding the various roles technology plays in twenty-first century leisure. It contends that under current technological realities, technology may simultaneously enhance leisure, function as leisure and constrain leisure. Furthermore, it argues that one should differentiate between “low” and “high” (i.e., computer-based) technology when exploring these roles. Rather than providing answers, this chapter outlines the type of questions leisure researchers should ask in an increasingly technological world.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationLeisure matters
Subtitle of host publicationThe state and future of leisure studies
EditorsDavid Scott, Monika Stodolska, Gordon J. Walker
ISBN (Electronic)9781571678256, 9781571678294
ISBN (Print)9781939476067
StatePublished - 2016


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