The Sea Peoples and Their World: A Reassessment

Eliezer Oren (Editor)

Research output: Book/ReportBookpeer-review


This volume presents the results of the 1995 international seminar on the history and archaeology of the Sea Peoples. The 17 comprehensive articles, written by leading scholars in the fields of Egyptology, Hittitology, biblical studies, and Aegean, Anatolian, and Near Eastern archaeology, examine current methodologies and interpretations concerning the origin, migration, and settlement of the Sea Peoples against the overwhelming new archaeological record from sites throughout the Mediterranean basin and the Levant.Symposium Series 11University Museum Monograph, 108
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationPhiladelphia
PublisherUniversity of Pennsylvania Press
Number of pages360
ISBN (Electronic)1934536431
ISBN (Print)0924171804, 0924171812
StatePublished - 2000

Publication series

NameUniversity Museum monograph
NameUniversity Museum symposium series


  • Sea Peoples
  • Mediterranean Region -- Antiquities
  • Mediterranean Region -- History
  • Middle East -- Antiquities
  • Middle East -- History -- To 622


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