Too Deep: The Rate of Inappropriate Deep Resections while Practicing a Single Stage Laser Cordectomy

Daniel Ben Ner, Yaniv Hamzany, Yonatan Reuven, Nofar Ben-Mordechai, Dvir Yohai Bar-On, Tzvi Menachem Najman, Hagit Shoffel-Havakuk

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Objective: Whenever a cortectomy is indicated, obviating preoperative biopsy and practicing a single-stage-laser-cordectomy (SSLC) may expedite treatment and preserve surgical planes. This may result in more superficial resections and improved vocal function. Yet, SSLC holds a risk for over-treating nonmalignant lesions. Our study aims to evaluate this risk. Methods: A retrospective cohort of patients who underwent SSLC. Cordectomy types were compared with final pathology. Type-1 cordectomy was subcategorized into superficial-type-1 (superficial-lamina-propria preserved) and deep-type-1 (ligament exposed). Superficial-type-1 cordectomy was considered adequate for epithelial lesions not invading the basement membrane: nonmalignant, dysplasia, and carcinoma-in-situ (CIS). Deeper resections for these pathologies were considered inappropriately deep. All resections were considered appropriate for squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Results: Ninety-seven patients who underwent 139 SSLC were included. SCC was found in 30% (N = 42), CIS/severe-dysplasia in 15% (N = 21), mild/moderate-dysplasia in 23% (N = 32), nondysplastic lesions in 31% (N = 43), and lymphoma in 0.5% (N = 1). Superficial-type-1 cordectomy was performed in 64% (N = 89). Altogether, 15 lesions (11%) underwent inappropriately deep resections. Smoking history, current smoking status, prior glottic surgery, radiation or fungal infection, did not increase the rate of inappropriate deep resection. While the general rate of inappropriately deep resection is 11%, for deep-type-1 cordectomy or deeper the rate was 29.4%. The highest rate was associated with deep-type-1 cordectomy, reaching 52.9%. Conclusion: The general rate of inappropriately deep resection during a SSLC is low. However, when the depth of resection involves exposure of the vocal ligament or deeper, the rate increases. Hence, to avoid unnecessary morbidity, whenever a deep resection is considered, the authors recommend preceding a deeper resection with frozen section sampling.

Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Voice
StateAccepted/In press - 1 Jan 2024
Externally publishedYes


  • Cordectomy
  • Early glottic lesions
  • Transoral laser microlaryngoscopy

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Otorhinolaryngology
  • Speech and Hearing
  • LPN and LVN


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