Abraham Zangen (Inventor), Yiftach Roth (Inventor), Pedro C Miranda (Inventor), David Hazani (Inventor), Mark Hallett (Inventor), Abraham Zangen (Inventor), Yiftach Roth (Inventor), Pedro C Miranda (Inventor), David Hazani (Inventor), Mark Hallett (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


A system and methods for transcranial magnetic stimulation, the system including a helmet, a positioning portion, a stimulator and a cooling system, are disclosed. The helmet includes a coil for deep brain magnetic stimulation. The coil has a base portion, and return portions, which may include a protruding return portion and a contacting return portion. The coil is designed to minimize unintended stimulation of portions of the brain, while reducing accumulation of surface charges. The coil is stimulated at several locations and/or at different times so as to focus the electrical field on a specific deep neuronal structure.

Original languageEnglish
Patent numberUS2016059027
IPCA61N 2/ 00 A I
Priority date10/09/15
StatePublished - 3 Mar 2016


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