Two-dimensional simulations of plastic-shell, direct-drive implosions on OMEGA

P. B. Radha, V. N. Goncharov, T. J.B. Collins, J. A. Delettrez, Y. Elbaz, V. Yu Glebov, R. L. Keck, D. E. Keller, J. P. Knauer, J. A. Marozas, F. J. Marshall, P. W. McKenty, D. D. Meyerhofer, S. P. Regan, T. C. Sangster, D. Shvarts, S. Skupsky, Y. Srebro, R. P.J. Town, C. Stoeckl

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146 Scopus citations


Multidimensional hydrodynamic properties of high-adiabat direct-drive plastic-shell implosions on the OMEGA laser system [T. R. Boehly, Opt. Commun. 133, 495 (1997)] are investigated using the multidimensional hydrodynamic code, DRACO [D. Keller, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 44, 37 (1999)]. Multimode simulations including the effects of nonuniform illumination and target roughness indicate that shell stability during the acceleration phase plays a critical role in determining target performance. For thick shells that remain integral during the acceleration phase, target yields are significantly reduced by the combination of the long-wavelength (ℓ<10) modes due to surface roughness and beam imbalance and the intermediate modes (20≤ℓ≤50) due to single-beam nonuniformities. The neutron-production rate for these thick shells truncates relative to one-dimensional (1D) predictions. The yield degradation in the thin shells is mainly due to shell breakup at short wavelengths (λ~Δ, where Δ is the in-flight shell thickness). The neutron-rate curves for the thinner shells have significantly lower amplitudes and a fall-off that is less steep than 1D rates. DRACO simulation results are consistent with experimental observations.

Original languageEnglish
Article number032702
Pages (from-to)1-18
Number of pages18
JournalPhysics of Plasmas
Issue number3
StatePublished - 25 Apr 2005
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Condensed Matter Physics


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