Unexpected Rotamerism at the Origin of a Chessboard Supramolecular Assembly of Ruthenium Phthalocyanine

Giuseppe Mattioli, Rosanna Larciprete, Paola Alippi, Aldo Amore Bonapasta, Francesco Filippone, Paolo Lacovig, Silvano Lizzit, Anna Maria Paoletti, Giovanna Pennesi, Fabio Ronci, Gloria Zanotti, Stefano Colonna

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

10 Scopus citations


We have investigated the formation and the properties of ultrathin films of ruthenium phthalocyanine (RuPc)2 vacuum deposited on graphite by scanning tunneling microscopy and synchrotron photoemission spectroscopy measurements, interpreted in close conjunction with ab initio simulations. Thanks to its unique dimeric structure connected by a direct Ru−Ru bond, (RuPc)2 can be found in two stable rotameric forms separated by a low-energy barrier. Such isomerism leads to a peculiar organization of the molecules in flat, horizontal layers on the graphite surface, characterized by a chessboard-like alternation of the two rotamers. Moreover, the molecules are vertically connected to form π-stacked columnar pillars of akin rotamers, compatible with the high conductivity measured in (RuPc)2 powders. Such features yield an unprecedented supramolecular assembly of phthalocyanine films, which could open interesting perspectives toward the realization of new architectures of organic electronic devices.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)16319-16327
Number of pages9
JournalChemistry - A European Journal
Issue number64
StatePublished - 16 Nov 2017
Externally publishedYes


  • ab initio simulations
  • organic electronic devices
  • photoemission spectroscopy
  • ruthenium metal-organic molecules
  • scanning probe microscopy

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Catalysis
  • Organic Chemistry


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