Up and Down with Mary Rowlandson Erdrich's and Alexie's Versions of "Captivity"

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3 Scopus citations


[...]in the Rowlandson legacy repeated citations over diverse contexts and periods have detached its subject from her particular historical circumstances and reattached her to presentisi national concerns. [...]the immediate local success of Sovereignty and Goodness pales by comparison to its far wider posthumous appeal, which began in the 1770s when Rowlandson was cast as a protonational heroine.1 Mid-twentieth-century scholars returned to Rowlandson to honor her as founder of the original genre of American literature, and later, feminist scholars recovered her again, casting Rowlandson as a founding mother of US literature and culture.2 Recovery efforts subsided by the century's end as exceptionalist national perspectives on the genre, book, and author became outmoded,3 but the Rowlandson legacy hasn't died. Rader further states that "Native writers seek the poem because of the poems ability to fuse disparate elements: present and past, poetry and prose, the lyric ? and the communal 'we'" (Rader and Gould, introduction 11). [...]the temporal dynamics of poetic engagements with storytelling can offer resistance to the traumatic effects of the legacy.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)21-46
Number of pages26
JournalStudies in American Indian Literatures
Issue number4
StatePublished - 1 Dec 2012

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Literature and Literary Theory


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