Validation d'une mesure de réponses biaisées à propos de la relation conjugale: l'Échelle d'embellissement conjugal

Translated title of the contribution: Validation of a measurement of reponse bias in connection with marital relation: The scale of marital aggrandizement

Norm O'Rourke, Philippe Cappeliez

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

5 Scopus citations


Like other categories of self-report instruments, marital measures are believed to be susceptible to distortion. The Marital Aggrandizement Scale (MAS) was developed with this purpose. This study assesses the psychometric properties of the French language version of this scale: l'Échelle d'embelIissement conjugal (ÉEC), Internal consistency as measured by Cronbach's alpha for the ÉEC (α = .91) compares favourably to the MAS (α = .84). Test-retest reliability was calculated as r(15) = .88 over an average period of 33 days. Construct validity of the EEC was established by hierarchical regression. Findings suggest that we now have at our disposal a valid and reliable measure of marital aggrandizement in both English and French. This will allow for cross-cultural measurement of this construct thus providing greater understanding as to the nature and etiology of marital aggrandizement.

Translated title of the contributionValidation of a measurement of reponse bias in connection with marital relation: The scale of marital aggrandizement
Original languageFrench
Pages (from-to)45-49
Number of pages5
JournalCanadian Journal of Behavioural Science
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1 Jan 2003
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Psychology


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