Vector analysis vs. regions of integration ratio method for determination of gamma and neutron contributions in a mixed field

O. Pelled, A. Abraham, M. Weinstein, U. German, Z. B. Alfassi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The different ratios of the dosimetry peaks and the high temperature peaks after gamma and neutron irradiation can be employed for mixed field dosimetry, after performing proper analysis. In the present work the results obtained by the vector analysis method were compared to those obtained by the regions of integration (ROI) method for TLD600 chips irradiated by different combinations of gamma rays and thermal neutron doses. When applying the ROI method, the calculated neutron to gamma dose ratios (Dn/Dγ) were in good agreement (differences up to about 20%) with the actual experimental values in the Dn/Dγ range from 0.033 to 20. When applying the vector analysis method, the range of the Dn/D γ ratio with differences up to about 20% is reduced to 0.033-4, and the uncertainties are generally higher. Thus, no advantage is expected when using the vector analysis method compared to the ROI method for evaluation of the dose ratio Dn/Dγ in a mixed field.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1363-1366
Number of pages4
JournalRadiation Measurements
Issue number10
StatePublished - 1 Dec 2010


  • Analysis
  • HTTL
  • Neutrons
  • ROI
  • Vector

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Radiation
  • Instrumentation


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