Visual and imagery magnitude comparisons are affected following left parietal lesion

Yarden Gliksman, Sharon Naparstek, Gal Ifergane, Avishai Henik

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Scopus citations


We describe Jane Dow (JD), a young right-handed female with acalculia following a cerebral infarction in the left intraparietal sulcus. We investigated automatic processing of different types of magnitudes that were presented visually or through imagery. We employed the size congruity task and the mental clock task that differ in stimuli presentation and in working memory load. In the size congruity task, for physical comparisons, JD presented a lack of facilitation effect, suggesting a deficit in the automatic processing of numerical values. In the mental clock task, JD performed as accurate as controls did but much slower. In both tasks, JD presented a steeper distance effect compared to controls, suggesting a deficit in a domain-general comparison process. Our findings present an atypical pattern of magnitude processing following a left parietal lesion that appears not only for visually presented stimuli but also for imagery-based magnitudes. These finding support recent theories suggesting different types of magnitudes are interconnected with each other.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1622
JournalFrontiers in Psychology
Issue numberSEP
StatePublished - 19 Sep 2017


  • Acalculia
  • Distance effect
  • IPS
  • Magnitude comparison
  • Mental manipulation
  • Size congruity
  • Working memory

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Psychology


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