Visualization of integrated model of construction projects

Y. Su, S. Isaac, G. Lucko

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Efforts to integrate construction planning have thus far focused on the interoperability of models and computer applications. However, merely linking different models, e.g. design and schedule, while useful, necessarily restricts planners to an iterative improvement of plans. This research defines a single integrated mathematical model with singularity functions to directly represent the different aspects that need to be considered in planning construction projects, such as their design, schedule, budget, site layout, etc. This allows all relevant aspects to be taken into account simultaneously when optimizing the construction plan. The new model can be used to visualize different aspects of a project, allowing the planner to interact with the model and manipulate it. Examples are provided for the intuitive visualization of the time-space that building components, site objects and construction activities occupy, of the dynamic relations and buffers between objects and activities, and of the impact of changes in the plan.


Conference35th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction and International AEC/FM Hackathon: The Future of Building Things, ISARC 2018


  • Cranes
  • Scheduling
  • Singularity function
  • Site layout

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Building and Construction


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