Weighted Cuntz–Krieger Algebras

Leonid Helmer, Baruch Solel

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Let E be a finite directed graph with no sources or sinks and write XE for the graph correspondence. We study the C-algebra C(E, Z) : = T(XE, Z) / K where T(XE, Z) is the C-algebra generated by weighted shifts on the Fock correspondence F(XE) given by a weight sequence { Zk} of operators Zk∈L(XEk) and K is the algebra of compact operators on the Fock correspondence. If Zk= I for every k, C(E, Z) is the Cuntz–Krieger algebra associated with the graph E. We show that C(E, Z) can be realized as a Cuntz–Pimsner algebra and use a result of Schweizer to find conditions for the algebra C(E, Z) to be simple. We also analyse the gauge-invariant ideals of C(E, Z) using a result of Katsura and conditions that generalize the conditions of subsets of E (the vertices of E) to be hereditary or saturated. As an example, we discuss in some details the case where E is a cycle.

Original languageEnglish
Article number37
JournalIntegral Equations and Operator Theory
Issue number4
StatePublished - 1 Dec 2022


  • C-algebra
  • C-correspondence
  • Cuntz–Krieger algebras
  • Cuntz–Pimsner algebra
  • Directed graph
  • Fock space
  • Gauge-invariant ideals
  • Graph algebras
  • Simplicity
  • Weighted shift

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Analysis
  • Algebra and Number Theory


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