What Can a GNOME Do? Search Targets for the Global Network of Optical Magnetometers for Exotic Physics Searches

Samer Afach, Deniz Aybas Tumturk, Hendrik Bekker, Ben C. Buchler, Dmitry Budker, Kaleb Cervantes, Andrei Derevianko, Joshua Eby, Nataniel L. Figueroa, Ron Folman, Daniel Gavilán-Martín, Menachem Givon, Zoran D. Grujić, Hong Guo, Paul Hamilton, Morgan P. Hedges, Derek F. Jackson Kimball, Sami Khamis, Dongok Kim, Emmanuel KlingerAbaz Kryemadhi, Xiyu Liu, Grzegorz Łukasiewicz, Hector Masia-Roig, Mikhail Padniuk, Christopher A. Palm, Sun Yool Park, Heather R. Pearson, Xiang Peng, Maxim Pospelov, Szymon Pustelny, Yossi Rosenzweig, Ophir M. Ruimi, Theo Scholtes, Perrin C. Segura, Yannis K. Semertzidis, Yun Chang Shin, Joseph A. Smiga, Yevgeny V. Stadnik, Jason E. Stalnaker, Ibrahim A. Sulai, Dhruv Tandon, Kenneth Vu, Antoine Weis, Arne Wickenbrock, Tatum Z. Wilson, Teng Wu, Wei Xiao, Yucheng Yang, Dongrui Yu, Felix Yu, Jianwei Zhang, Yixin Zhao

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


Numerous observations suggest that there exist undiscovered beyond-the-standard-model particles and fields. Because of their unknown nature, these exotic particles and fields could interact with standard model particles in many different ways and assume a variety of possible configurations. Here, an overview of the global network of optical magnetometers for exotic physics searches (GNOME), the ongoing experimental program designed to test a wide range of exotic physics scenarios, is presented. The GNOME experiment utilizes a worldwide network of shielded atomic magnetometers (and, more recently, comagnetometers) to search for spatially and temporally correlated signals due to torques on atomic spins from exotic fields of astrophysical origin. The temporal characteristics of a variety of possible signals currently under investigation such as those from topological defect dark matter (axion-like particle domain walls), axion-like particle stars, solitons of complex-valued scalar fields (Q-balls), stochastic fluctuations of bosonic dark matter fields, a solar axion-like particle halo, and bursts of ultralight bosonic fields produced by cataclysmic astrophysical events such as binary black hole mergers are surveyed.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2300083
JournalAnnalen der Physik
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1 Jan 2024


  • axions
  • comagnetometry
  • dark matter
  • magnetometry

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Physics and Astronomy


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